Ever since a young age Renée became aware of the energies and layers that exist in and around us. Dealing with family trauma and depression since a very young age inspired her to go within and explore her inner world. In the beginning of 2015 she had a life changing experience during her first Ayahuasca Ceremony. From that moment she established a deep connection with plant medicine and she has been attending and co-facilitating many different sacred medicine ceremonies within the Netherlands and internationally since then. Learning from different shamanic traditions as well as the more western approach through the lens of psycho therapy and with a focus on working Trauma Informed.
Renee has an extensive background in the area of the link between domestic violence and animal abuse. She shared her expertise with social workers, law enforcement, and municipalities within the Netherlands to train professionals how to recognize this link. The experience she gained from working closely with traumatized women, children and animals situated in women shelters, is now something she uses in her work by ensuring the safest possible space for those embarking on the journey with her. In 2021 she decided to only focus on her life’s passion and devotion: working with her voice and walking the path of inner healing by stepping fulltime into her work as a trauma informed facilitator in the psychedelic space.
Being there for others, while they embark on their journey inwards is something she loves to do most. By being fully present with her open heart and grounded personality, she creates a safe and loving environment. With focus, compassion and her embodied experience she holds a solid container where you can truly surrender into all parts of yourself and discover what it is that wants to be seen and come to the surface. By offering her music, sacred medicine songs and voice as a tool for guidance and support she is able to vocalize that which was unseen and unheard before. Alchemizing stagnant energy and emotions so that flow and release may come into existence.
Renée walks the path of self healing with devotion and dedication, feeling truly honored and grateful to walk the path of healing with others as well.
What others say about Renée:
“It is like Renée weaves a web between worlds with her voice. Bringing in Spirit and ancient cultures”
“Her voice touched parts of me that i haven’t been able to reach myself, by allowing that frequency to fully penetrate those parts, I was able to release what was held there for a long time”
Zingen heb ik altijd gedaan. Vanaf mijn 14e stond ik als lead zangeres in bandjes en het liefst zong ik liedjes van powervrouwen zoals Skunk Anansie en Alanis Morissette. Ik verlangde vooral van mijzelf dat het mooi moest klinken en zong daarom, zonder dat helemaal door te hebben, vaak vanuit mijn hoofd. Om te 'presteren' en gezien te worden.
Pas veel later, toen ik op mijn 30ste tijdens een van mijn eerste Ayahuasca ceremonies door de sjamaan werd gevraagd om te zingen, ervaarde ik wat 'echt' zingen voor mij in hield. Het was alsof ik zelf niet achter het stuur zat. Maar er iets door mij heen wilde klinken. In volle vrijheid, klonk ik de energie die door mij en de ruimte heen bewoog. Ik schrok bijna van mijn eigen stemgeluid toen ik weer 'bewust werd van het stuur' tijdens het zingen van een klank. Wow!
Vanaf dit moment nu 8 jaar geleden, is het een verdiepende reis vol ontdekkingen en omarmen van alle lagen in mijzelf. En daarmee in de ander. Sinds ik in ceremoniële setting zing, ontdek ik wat klank en muziek in een ruimte, in een lijf, in emotie teweeg kunnen brengen.
Mijn passies zijn zingen en ceremonies begeleiden. Werken met plantmedicijn, pychedelica en de verbinding tussen ons, als mens. Het laten vallen van maskers, het ontdoen van alle laagjes en alles doorvoelen wat gevoeld wilt worden. Want, wanneer vastzittende energie mag stromen en gezien mag worden, is dat het allermooiste wat er is. Daarnaast ben ik eeuwig student van het leven.
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